Book of the Month - April 2018

An award-winning collection of short stories from the celebrated novelist and short story writer, Beairtle Ó Conaire, is April's book of the month on
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Lár an Domhain
Lár an Domhain
ISBN 978-0-898332-34-62
Publisher: Leabhar Breac

An award-winning collection of short stories from the celebrated novelist and short story writer, Beairtle Ó Conaire. This collection was awarded the Oireachtas Prize in 2004.

“Beairtle Ó Conaire is a professional writer who, like the Kerry short story writer Seán Mac Mathúna, has the gift of being able to write about the great human questions with poetic simplicity. In this fashion, Lár an Domhain (The Centre of the World) gives both mental and spiritual satisfaction to the reader. This book should be compulsory reading for anyone who needs more proof that Irish language literature is able to hold its own against the best that is being written internationally.” —Tomás Mac Síomóin, Feasta