Book of the Month - April 2021

Collection of Irish language short stories by Réaltán Ní Leannáin. These stories grab our attention from the first few words, as the author steers us skillfully through deceit, trickery and duplicity. Classes clash and come under the microscope, hypocrisy is revealed and inequalities laid bare. Credible characters are presented in engrossing stories that leave us wanting more in this new short story collection by Ní Leannáin.
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Oiriúnach do Mheánrang 2/B2 nó níos airde
Suitable for Upper Intermediate/B2 or higher
ISBN 9781916047068
Publisher: Éabhlóíd

These stories grab our attention from the first few words, as the author steers us skillfully through deceit, trickery and duplicity. Classes clash and come under the microscope, hypocrisy is revealed and inequalities laid bare. Credible characters are presented in engrossing stories that leave us wanting more in this new short story collection by Ní Leannáin.